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Well in Batman mythology Bruce Wayne was eight years old when he had his parents murdered in front of him, this event led him to have a very protective streak when it came to kids.

He decided that he never wanted another child to ever feel the way that he did, so when he saw Dick’s parents die at the circus that night something in him broke and he knew that he had to help that young boy.

He saw himself in Dick, but rather than taking him in in an attempt to create a second coming of Batman, he wanted to give him every opportunity to heal his trauma. (Young Justice “so that he wouldn’t” clip)

He never wanted another Batman, he wanted to help heal a little boy who had lost his family.

Jesus was similarly protective of children, oftentimes going out of his own way to help them.

Some examples of this include, “Jesus casts a demon from a Greek woman’s daughter (Mark 7:24-30), Jesus raises Jarius’ daughter from the dead (Luke 8:40-56), and Jesus heals a wealthy man’s son (John 4:46-52)” (

Much in the same fashion as Jesus, Bruce continued to go above and beyond to help the different children that crossed his path.

Ironically the three examples that I gave of Jesus’ generosity towards children mirrors the other *male* Robins that Bruce raised.

Damian came from a cult-like upbringing. He was raised to kill and destroy anyone who crossed his grandfather, Ra’s Al Ghul - the Demon’s Head.

When he came to live with his father, Bruce had to work to cast the ‘demon’ out of him, so that he could break free of his past and move towards a brighter future.


Jason would have been killed on the streets eventually, he was only a kid after all.

By Bruce choosing to take him home and adopt him as his son after finding him in the alley, he saved him from death.

So while he didn’t literally raise Jason from the dead, he did give him a second opportunity at life.


Tim was the son of wealthy business owners, but (popularly - not in every incarnation, however) he was emotionally neglected, and very lonely.

When Bruce agreed to take Tim on as his newest partner he gave him the chance to find people that cared about him. 

He healed his need for companionship and family.

It is also believed that the 12 disciples were much younger than they are commonly portrayed. 

“We thus see that the language used concerning Christ's relations with the Twelve and the larger number of persons who for a longer or shorter time came to him for instruction is almost uniformly such as is common in speaking of education [...] Schools are primarily for the young.” (

So, if this is true, then both Batman and Jesus kept their most inner-circle, their most trusted associates, as young people; and another comparison between Jesus and Batman could be made.

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